Saturday, March 19, 2011

What a day

So, yesterday was the nicest day so far this year.  It was 70+ and it is still not spring! But, today it is going down into the 50's and it is gonna be windy :[.  Anyways, yesterday I had an awesome barbecue!  Invited a couple of friends over, it was just a small thing, nothing big.  Since it was kind of last minute anyways, too.  It was a nice day well spent.  Played some disk(frisbee), I set up my volleyball net and got a couple of games going.  I'm so stoked for spring and summer, if only it would stop being cold and be warm already!

After our little barbecue, we just drove around town in search of something else to do, and we just ended up blasting music and having a really good car ride everywhere :D! That is how my day was spent yesterday, and as for today: I'll be at the gym in a couple of hours then probably out trying to find something else to do, might run?


  1. Not yet for me lol, it's still in the 50's, and it's chilly. I need warmth

  2. I envy you. Here in the states it's rainy, cold, and still snow on the ground. I just want summer to get here already!

  3. The weather is soo crazy, i was sure last week that spring would arrive, and now horrid winter is back :(

  4. I live in the states too! haha in NJ.

    And the weather is crazy. It's like nice one day, then the next it is cold and windy and really cloudy :[ I want summer so I can get back to the beach.

  5. Sounds like a great day. I can't wait for barbecues to start rolling around here. Mmmm.

  6. Sounds nice

    I'd like a barbecuue right now too ;(

  7. was the same here the other day and tomorrow we get a chance of snow...lovely

  8. It got really cold! It was really nice when I went to the gym and then out of nowhere, it got extremely cold!
